Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nothing to Hide?

A lot of people claim they have Nothing to Hide when it comes to the internet, and this may be true, but the online world can be very daunting when it comes to privacy. People who aren't careful about what they post may not care who sees it now, but they may no take into account the fact that once it's out there- it is ALWAYS there. At 20 years old, sure you may have nothing to hide, but will you feel that way 20 years down the road when your child is looking through embarrassing pictures, blog posts, status updates etc.? Probably not.

We should all be concerned about internet privacy because it is not only about what we post anymore. Through the internet, a stranger can find out everything about you- your private and public life, your family, your friends, and even your location. Even if you claim to have noting to hide, things on the internet can be misconstrued. After watching the video in class, I was surprised to see how many people were questioned by the government or even arrested for posting something that was taken out of context and seen as a potential "threat". The film really made me feel like big brother is always watching. Even if you delete something, it can still be found, so we have to be cautious about what we do online.


  1. I agree with you very much on the fact that just because right now what you post doesn't mean anything to you but down the road you might regret it. Especially since even if you delete something online it can still be dug up somewhere. Also, online privacy has decreased a ton since the beginning of the internet.

  2. I agree with everything you said in your post, it's scary to think that everything you post on the internet stays out there, even if you delete it and think it's gone. The movie we watched in class showed a bunch of people who got questioned by police about a silly post they made on facebook and their google searches. It just shows that someone is watching everything we do online.

  3. I completely agree with you very much that you can not imagine how it would affect your future life when you post something online, even it do not happen yet. The data you delete now is still there if they want to find it out. It so dangerous to use internet if we live in this kind of life.
